Monday, 28 November 2016

This Week's Learning Goals

Grade 2 Learning Goals
(Week of Nov 28th-Dec 2nd)

  • proofread and correct their writing using a simple checklist or a few guiding questions developed with the teacher and posted for reference
  • Identifying parts of a letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, signature)
  • Writing friendly letters to specific audiences
  • establish a personal voice in their writing, with a focus on using familiar words that convey their attitude or feeling towards the subject or audience

  • represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 100 (e.g., ten frames, base ten material, hundreds chart, number line)
  • compose and decompose two-digit numbers in a variety of ways, using concrete materials (e.g., place 42 counters on ten frames to show 4 tens and 2 ones)

Social Studies:
  • identify continents, significant bodies of water, the equator, poles, and hemispheres, using a globe
  • identify cardinal directions on a map (i.e., N, S, E, W), and use these directions when locating selected countries
  • demonstrate an understanding that there are a variety of countries, continents, physical features, and bodies of water around the world and that their locations can be represented in different ways (map, digital/interactive maps, globes)

Upcoming assessments:
Looking at friendly letters and using editing skills to check their own personal letters and letters of their peers
Making groups of ten using classroom items, adding groups of ten onto numbers and looking for number patterns when adding by 10s.

Social Studies:
Labeling a world map with continents, major bodies of water, hemispheres and cardinal directions.

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